"Materialize is a stand alone tool for creating materials for use in games from images. You can create an entire material from a single image or import the textures you have and generate the textures you need."
Flamenco is a distributed rendering solution for the 3D animation suite Blender. It supports many features that make it a perfect fit for a small or medium CG studio, such as workstations/nodes availability scheduling, project management, render previews via web interface, pre and post-render actions.
La Blender foundation a lancé un réseau dédié aux pro
"The Blender Network aims to promote all Blender-related professional activity. It offers visibility to its members and actively supports their business" http://www.blendernetwork.org/content/about/
Un visualiseur très rapide pour des suites d'images.
Il me sert à regarder les rendus qui sortent quand une animation est en cours, fouillez les options pour configurer l'utilisation mémoire et tutti quanti.